Simonas Bingelis Senior Analyst

Simonas Bingelis
“A core principle that inspires me daily is the value of helping people, organizations, and the world become a better place.”

Simonas approaches project management by combining astute business sense with a relational leadership mentality in order to leverage the expertise of all involved and realize results. Motivated and communicative, he is skilled in empowering group dynamics and connecting with key decision-makers to identify and resolve an organization’s most pressing issues. Simonas is passionate about helping businesses become more efficient and dynamic through all the world’s ever-changing trends because he is driven by the desire to help people, organizations, and the world become a better place. Interested in a wide variety of industries and business models, he is constantly seeking to expand his own skillset and grow alongside the clients he is supporting. Being surrounded by intellectually engaged individuals pushes him to think creatively and critically, never settling on a solution until he is sure of its impact. Simonas draws on experience ranging from time spent with the Lithuanian Ministry of Economy to work on Spanish telemedicine expansion to consulting on a U.S. based medical organization’s Covid-19 crisis management.

M.B.A, Villanova University
B.A. Business Economics and Political Science, Spanish and Russian minor, Villanova University
Areas Of Expertise
  • Strategic Marketing
  • Project Management
  • Cross-cultural Communication
  • Global Markets
  • International Trade
Work Of Note
Simonas recently interned under the Lithuanian Ministry of Economy through their Enterprise Lithuania subsidiary, whose mission is to support the start and development of competitive businesses in Lithuania and to foster the country’s exports.