Qing Yang Manager

Qing Yang
“My drive for change influences my day to day. In my professional life, I manage changes and champion them. In my personal life, I embrace change and teach others to adapt.”

Qing Yang is an experienced project manager who has built her career contributing to technical development and advancement in various industries and businesses. She has special expertise in point of sales implementation, strategic website design, and project management in SaaS applications. Qing is a technology-enthusiast, always learning new productivity tools, conceptualizing processes and planning workflow automations. It is her belief that change is fast paced but forgiving. Qing understands there will always be a “next big thing,” and, while it is important to be aware of developing products or methodologies, a degree of informed selectivity is equally vital. Humans are meant to be productive and progressive, not bound by tedious processes; technology exists to support us. Ultimately, technology and innovation should benefit the world, and Qing is inspired by seeing her efforts in those fields make a positive impact on others. She values strong, genuine relationships with team members and clients, and she is excited to continue building sustainable business solutions and strong brands.

B.S. Business Management and Marketing, Pennsylvania State University
Areas Of Expertise
  • Change Management
  • Project Management
  • CRM Expert
  • Data Analytics
  • Automated Business Processes
Work Of Note
Qing introduced and implemented emerging SaaS solutions for long-term employees, bringing new ideas and progress to a 127-year-old company.