Nichole Girgenti Director

Nichole Girgenti
“I am genuinely most excited when I can provide a client with my strategic and operational expertise to help bring a project vision to its full functional potential.”

Nichole has over 20 years of project management experience and has refined a strategic leadership style that prioritizes coaching and relationship development. Nichole supports tracking, organization, and tactical integration of project work across internal and external teams with an emphasis on analytic and pragmatic decision-making. She facilitates client success by taking a genuine interest in the project work and by personally investing in a client's work style and providing consistent communication. Authentic relationship building and availability are crucial components of her project management success. As a trusted resource for executive leadership, she supports clients and their teams in navigating environments with rapid growth, change, and development. Prior to Athena, Nichole’s many years of restaurant management experience culminated in the opportunity to work on an innovative software project that combined reservation management and grassroots marketing, sparking her love of solving business problems with technical operational solutions resulting in a natural fit for her work here at Athena.

M.A. Clinical Counseling Psychology, La Salle University
B.A. Psychology, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation concentration, West Chester University
Areas Of Expertise
  • Project Plan Development
  • Strategic Resource Management
  • Cross-Team Coordination
  • Ensuring Collaboration & Alignment
  • Communications & Relationships
Work Of Note
Nichole served as a PM on the team charged with revitalizing a stalled, multi-year strategic plan at Penn Transplant Institute.